Smart Home Security
From Doorbells with cameras, security lights with cameras to cameras inside and out. All controllable from your smart phone at home or away.
Smart Lights
Convert your old lighting to smart lighting. Control your lighting from dedicated switches, voice activation or your smart phone. You can colour your house, or keep it a simple warm or cool white.
Smart Speakers
Play music throughout your house without the need for wiring everywhere. You can have different music in different rooms or the same music throughout the whole house.
Smart TV Control
Get rid of all the old remote controls and bring it down to one smart remote. We can even show you how to put all your devices away in a cupboard out of sight and still control them with the one remote.
Smart Home Control
There are so many ways to control your smart devices, from switches, to voice activation, smart phones, tablets and more. We can advise on the best way to use a combination of them all to make your life easier and simpler.
Smart Locks
We can help you change your locks over to smart locks to be controlled with a pin or smart device. No more locking yourself out of your own home. Know when anyone enters your house with alerts to your smart phone.